Agrobiodiversity newsletter
The article describes the biodiversity in area of Jabal El-Arab التنوع الحيوي في منطقة جبل العرب - سورية
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ورقة علمية تهدف إلى مسح وتصنيف الأنواع النباتية في منطقة تل شيحان (شمال السويداء)
download ViewKey Biodiversity Areas for Plants in the South and East Mediterranean flora (Syria)
Key Biodiversity Areas for Plants of Syria with summary on actions and plans
download ViewInteresting, Provocative, and Enigmatic: Morphological Observations on Southeastern Quillworts (Isoetes Isoetaceae, Lycopodiophyta)
A paper describes some recent descriptions of new recorded of species of Isoetes. Mwaffak Chikhali were member of field team in Syria
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