lora yria n ine

FSOL is a team work initiative to establish a data base on the documented, published and new recorded species of plant biodiversity of Syria. We are trying to develop an essential tool for conservation planners, policymakers and practitioners at all level


Flora Maps

Number of Families of endemic species in 225 km surface area

Number of Families of endemic species in 225 km surface area

No. of endemic species in 225 km surface area

No. of endemic species in 225 km surface area

No. Genera of Endemic species in 225 km surface area

No. Genera of Endemic species in 225 km surface area

A map shows the vegetation cover of Jabal El-Arab

A map shows the vegetation cover of Jabal El-Arab

Natural Vegetation of large plants associations in dry and semi dry areas of Syria

Natural Vegetation of large plants associations in dry and semi dry areas of Syria

Recorded species in square of 1*1 km in Fronluq protected area.

Recorded species in square of 1*1 km in Fronluq protected area.

Species distribution map of Cedar and Fir protected area according to available coordinates.

Species distribution map of Cedar and Fir protected area according to available coordinates.


Total recorded species


Total recorded genera


Total recorded families